Tootsie Roll

Tootsie Roll
Launched in New York in 1896 by the popularity of a single product, the iconic oblong piece of chewy, chocolatey candy, Tootsie Roll Industries has grown to become one of the largest candy companies in the United States.
In 1968 Tootsie Roll Industries moved to Chicago where they are still located today. The Chicago location is currently manufacturing 64 million Tootsie Rolls every day, along with Tootsie Roll Pops and Dots.
Tootsie Roll Industries has welcomed the addition of many brands over the years. Today, Tootsie's brands include some of the most familiar candy names such as Tootsie Roll, Tootsie Pop, Charms Blow Pop, Andes, Charleston Chew, Dubble Bubble, Caramel Apple Pop, Junior Mints, Cella's and Nik-L-Nip, just to name a few.